Accreditation, Memberships, Affiliations
At University of Applied Sciences Europe (UE Amsterdam), we are proud to be partnered with and accredited by various organisations and associations on local, regional and national levels.
NVAO Accredited

The Netherlands National Government Accreditation Organisation, NVAO has accredited the UE Amsterdam BBA Program, Croho: 39226 (BA Hons).
In 2002, the Netherlands Flemish Accreditation Organisation (NVAO) was established by law to assess and assure the quality of bachelor’s and master’s degree programs. Dutch accreditation is based on peer review of programmes. Flanders participates as an observer on the board and a treaty has been developed to formally ensure that the accreditation organisation works for both the Netherlands and the Flemish community of Belgium.
University of Applied Sciences Europe Amsterdam’s BBA Bachelor of Business Administration was accredited by the NVAO in 2019 (valid until 2025). A copy of the accreditation decision and the accreditation report can be downloaded from the site of the NVAO.
NRTO Quality Mark

UE Amsterdam has a Quality Mark of the NRTO, the leading trade association for private education in The Netherlands.
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